Bringing Historic Gold Mines Back Into Production

A proven business model to generate value

Bluebird focuses on development and execution, not green field exploration.  The Company has a team with proven experiences of re-opening mines and creating huge value uplift by applying a business model that significantly reduces development risk.

‘Geological, technological and regulatory constraints are critical factors in determining whether an identified gold resource is able to justify the investment required … to advance to the development and production stages. The number of opportunities that progress decreases at each stage and the total process may take between 10 and 20 years.’  Many of these factors are nullified when opening an historic mine as you have an understanding of the project already.


‘Bluebird is a project developer, bringing historic mines with high return potential back into production’

Bluebird primarily targets mining projects in South Korea – low CAPEX, high grade mines where production can be recommenced quickly and existing resources can be expanded to facilitate long term, high value returns. 

The Company currently has two historically producing high grade mines in South Korea where it believes it has in excess of 1.5million oz of resource.

The teams strategy provides significant advantages over exploration projects in that they are developing and not searching for ounces. Advantages include:

Dramatic reduction in exploration costs

Economics in terms of gold price at closure are known

Historic production rates and grade are known

Refurbishment involves significantly less CAPEX than new development

New mining techniques and equipment impact costs significantly

The Closure and Rebirth of a Mine

Rarely, if ever, Due To Exhausted Resource
Primarily 3 reasons why underground mines close

Accidents that impact mine health and safety

Social events including strike action as well as government interference or war

Long term depressed gold prices impacting production economics
